Plot 10b Documents

March 2020

In March 2020, Cheshire West and Chester council granted planning permission for a waste plastics to
hydrogen facility on Plot 10b at Protos. To view the decision notice please click here

Waste2Tricity and Peel L&P NRE were granted planning approval by Cheshire West and Chester Council in March 2020 for Development of a hydrogen production facility and electricity generating plant, comprising of a waste reception and handling building, gasification facility, hydrogen production facility with associated/ ancillary infrastructure which includes access roads, weighbridge, fencing /gates, lighting, surface water drainage, and electricity distribution plant.

Update August 2021

Peel NRE have submitted a Section 73 application to Cheshire West and Chester planning authority to gain consent for proposed changes to the facility. 

This application seeks permission for changes to the approved layout and elevations which have arisen from detailed design of the facility.

Additionally, the application seeks to increase the number of HGVs permitted to access the facility each day in order to provide flexibility for the delivery of hydrogen to potential future customers. The number of HGV movements associated with each plot at Protos will be altered to reallocate the movements and increase the proportion of movements permitted to access the hydrogen production facility (located at Plot 10b). This will be subject to a separate application for a non-material amendment to Condition 9 of the Ince RRP permission

Plot 10b Section 73 Planning Statement


Plot 10b Section 73 Existing Site Plan


Plot 10b Section 73 Site Location Plan


Plot 10b Section 73 Site Location Red Line Plan


Plot 10b Section 73 Proposed General Arrangement


Plot 10b Section 73 Proposed Elevations


Plot 10b Section 73 Noise Note


Plot 10b Section 73 Air Quality Note


Plot 10b Section 73 Electrical Grid Connection Plan


Decision Notice
